Journal of Health,
Exercise and
Sports Sciences

IJHESS is to provide knowledge to professionals, researchers and academicians working in the field of Health, Fitness, Sports Science, Sports Coaching and Physical Education.
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Academy of Sports Sciences Research and Management
DPSRU Campus, Pushp Vihar, Sector-3, Near Khanpur bus terminal, M.B. Road, New Delhi - 110017
Dr. Anshul Bagai, Director, Academy of Sports Sciences Research and Management, Delhi Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research University

The International Journal of Health, Exercise and Sports Sciences Journal of Sports Science publishes original and exclusive articles in the areas of Sports Science, Physical Education and Sports. The articles contributed should add to new knowledge in these disciplines by providing insight, which may be a new information, substantiation or contradiction of the previous findings, theories, phenomenon, application and development of a new technique etc. The methodology and statistical procedure used should be most appropriate and well accepted.
The International Journal of Health, Exercise and Sports Sciences (IJHESS) is an international, online Biannually journal published in English. The aim of IJHESS is to provide knowledge to professionals, researchers and academicians working in the field of Health, Fitness, Sports Science, Sports Coaching and Physical Education.

IJHESS publishes experimental, theoretical studies and critical reviews of the multidisciplinary aspects of the Sports and Exercise Science, Sports Biomechanics, Exercise Physiology, Sports Psychology, Statistics, Sports Management, Kinesiology, Yoga Education, Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation as well as Coaching and Talent Identification. Other interdisciplinary perspectives to integrate the field of sports and sports science are encouraged.
Contributions to the Journal shall emphasize on the human sciences broadly defined and applied to sports, sports science and exercise. The Journal will also include research based articles in human responses to exercise, to training technologies such as the design of sports equipment and playing facilities, research in training, selection, performance prediction as well as effect of psychological factors such as stress reduction, control of anxiety, goal setting, motivation, concentration and procedures of Psychological Still Training. Hence, the readership for this Journal is varied and ranges from academicians to practitioners from a range of disciplines and allied areas of application.